Shelley Grogan - Candidate For District II Appellate Court Judge

Fellow Republicans:

The Republican Party of Sheboygan County is supporting Shelly Grogan for appellate court. Our headquarters at 1122 Indiana Ave. will be open from 10:00 to noon every Thursday beginning March 4 until election.  Come in to pick up a Shelly Grogan yard sign or order a large sign for along a busy highway.


Shelley Grogan

Judge Shelley Grogan

Campaign Website


Why I’m Running

I’m running to serve you as a Judge on the Wisconsin Court of Appeals because you deserve a Judge who will always stand up for the rule of law and protect our Constitutional freedoms. The Constitution is the law and I will not set it aside or legislate from the bench. I will apply the law written by your legislators and respect the role of the judicial branch to act independently and impartially in every case.

Our courts need conservative jurists who execute the duties of judicial office consistent with our system of representative government. We need judges committed to law and order. I bring my conservative judicial philosophy, enthusiasm, extensive experience, strong work ethic, and dedication to the people of Wisconsin. I would be honored to serve as your District II Appellate Court Judge.